Wednesday, December 17, 2008

As we near winter recess you should have a total of close to 15 labs done. Please check with your science teacher to find out your total number of labs completed.

These weeks earth science is busy exploring different types of rocks, living environment has been working on completing one of the mandated state labs involving osmosis and diffusion, chemistry has been balancing equations and working on single/double placement reactions while physics is learning about acceleration by sending cars down ramps!Join us in the fun as we get closer and closer to the 1200 mins of required lab time


If you are in need of making up some labs, please see Mr. Lucci 0 period everyday. He will give you a make-up lab to replace whichever one you missed!!!!!Don't wait too long to make-up labs!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Can you believe we are already in week 10 of lab! This week, earth science has been working on a regents topic trying to find an earthquakes epicenter. Make sure you make up this lab if you missed it in order to do better on the regents in June. Living environment has been busy examining the parts of a leaf while the physics class uses their math skills on solving graphing problems. Chemistry is busy writing formulas and working on chemical reactions. 1200 minutes is the magic number to sit for the regents and pass your class! Keep coming back!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Make-up labs are up and running!!! Mr. Lucci is in Rm. 309 0 period and has make-up labs for all science subjects--living environment, chemistry, physics and earth science. Please talk to your science teacher and make sure your labs are up to date!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MOVING ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you ever wonder why McKee sits so high up in the neighborhood? If you come to Earth Science lab you will be making your own replica of your high school. Chemistry has been busy with distillation and making rock candy , Living Environment has been studying the cell in depth and Physics is learning how to float rings in mid-air!!! Come and join us for some fun!!!
MAKE-UP LABS have started with Mr. Lucci Period 0 in RM 309. If you have somehow missed any lab time, please come and see him to make your work up.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Come and explore science with pulleys, force tables, clay, cardboard, microscopes and onions. See which ones you will be working with next week when you come to lab. Keep up the good work on keeping those lab totals up. Everyone should have a minimum of four labs this date!!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008


We have two days off htis week (tues/wns) but we still will be having lab! Your teacher will be arranging your schedule so you will not miss out on your required lab time. L.E. will be looking at animal cells trough the microviewer, Chemistry will be working on density with pennies, Earth Science will be working with contour maps and Physics will be exploring vectors and force tables!ENJOY!!!!